Video Workshop - COMING SOON!
Just completed your marriage intensive? Congratulations!! We are so grateful you and your spouse are working hard and showing that your marriage is worth it. Having completed your intensive, you now have access to step two of the Marriage Restoration Program - a video series that will take your understanding and skills to the next level.
NOTE: The Video Workshop is only available to those who have already completed step one of the Marriage Restoration Program.
What is the video workshop?
The West Michigan Marriage Center (WMMC) video workshop is specifically designed to deepen and broaden what you learned during your marriage intensive. The workshop is a downloadable, self-guided series of six teaching videos, each with its matching worksheet, meant to be done in your own space and at your own pace. The video series guides you and your spouse through the following topics:
- How to use the video series to its full potential
- Accepting the disowned parts of me
- Owning my move, and it’s impact, in the cycle
- Signaling my fear and longing
- Accepting your spouse’s experience (what they “taste and see”)
- Caring for the disowned parts in your spouse
Ready to dive in? Click the “Get Started” button above!
Why is the video workshop so important?
You’ve likely heard the phrase, “It takes 21 days to form a new habit.” More recent and reliable research published in the European Journal of Social Psychology reports the time needed for new behaviors to become automatic actually ranges from 18-254 days, with an average of 66 days. We know you and your spouse don’t want your marriage intensive experience to be “just a flash in the pan”, so we have to make sure both of you reach that point where these new behaviors become automatic. This is exactly why WMMC developed the video series and booster groups as follow-ups to the marriage intensive.
There are several reasons we specifically created the video series for step #2, all of which have to do with leveraging your brain’s natural process for learning and memory. Experiences that grab your attention and keep popping up regularly are clear indications to your brain that, “This is something worth remembering.” However, experiences that constantly trigger emotions like confusion, shame, or hopelessness are indicators for your brain to turn away and ignore.
The WMMC video series perfectly fills this gap because it continues the level of salience and repetition required for learning while also giving pertinent insights and guidance to avoid feelings of hopelessness. From the comfort of your own home, you and your spouse will not only get to continue learning and growing in your relationship, but also give clear feedback to your brain that, “This is worth remembering!”
Because every marriage
deserves hope–yours too.
Marriage is the foundation of family and family the foundation of society.
There is no cause more worthy than the restoration of your marriage.