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Bring your love back to life
Hold Me Tight® 2-day marriage intensive
Born out of the last 50 years of research on love and bonding, this intensive takes the best of what neuroscience, attachment theory, and Emotionally Focused Therapy have to offer and combines them into one powerful encounter.
You will be amazed at what can happen in two days...
What is Hold Me Tight®?
Hold Me Tight® is a two-day marriage intensive built from the principles of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), the most effective and empirically validated form of couples therapy in existence.
Hosted in a beautiful home on the north side of Holland, this marriage intensive is facilitated by a husband and wife team who are both marriage therapists, trained and certified in EFT. Through a mixture of teaching, group processing, and breakout sessions, each couple is guided through the "7 Conversations" outlined in Dr. Sue Johnson's book, Hold Me Tight.
During the intensive, each couple enjoys safe and restorative camaraderie in the group sessions as well as individualized attention and guidance from a facilitator during breakout sessions.
During your Hold Me Tight® experience, you will learn:
- How to grow and shape your connection
- The deeper dynamics sabotaging your marriage
- The keys to stop your cycle and have real repair
- How to create a bright and secure future for your marriage
A quick story: (with names changed)
Susan had already filed for divorce when her husband signed up for Hold Me Tight®. She was beyond discouraged, but decided to wait on finalizing the paperwork until after the intensive was over.
On day one of their intensive, Susan and Steve showed up feeling the same as most couples - hurt, angry, hopeless, and really nervous. As they went through each session, they began to understand why their wheels had been spinning for the last 20 years. They began to see the love, and care for the pain, in each other's hearts. For Susan, the hope that died a long time ago was suddenly revived.
At the end of day two, as they were packing up to leave, Susan pulled a facilitator aside and said, "I can't believe what you guys accomplished in two days with us. A week ago, if you had told me I'd be walking out of here full of hope, I would have laughed in your face. But now...I can't wait to go home, call my lawyer, and tell him to shred the divorce papers. We don't need them anymore!"
Quick Facts
- Space is limited to 6 couples per intensive
- Proven effective for marriages of virtually all shapes and struggles
- Hosted in a comfortable home on the north side of Holland, Michigan
- Exact address provided upon registration
- Lunch, snacks, and refreshments provided
- No transportation or lodging provided
- 2 days
- $1,250 per couple
- NOTE: Refunds only provided if notification of cancellation is given 6 months or more before your scheduled intensive.
- 15 hours of strategic, inspiring, and healing guidance from two EFT trained marriage therapists
- 7 powerful and experiential exercises that help couples reconnect and heal
Our Hold Me Tight® program is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for those who are looking for quick fixes or shallow results. This intensive is for those who are willing to be courageous. It's for those who want what's real, not just what's comfortable. When you attend our intensive, we can promise you three things: it will be scary, it will be hard, and it will absolutely be worth it!
Because every marriage
deserves hope–yours too.
Marriage is the foundation of family and family the foundation of society.
There is no cause more worthy than the restoration of your marriage.